Interview with Mindsettle Founder
Founder, Lisa Behan in conversation with Jessica Jasch about mental fitness, neuroscience and the genesis of Mindsettle. LINK
Advisor Update
"I am writing on behalf of my wife, who is still in hospital after a fall at home three months ago. One of the few positives to come out of the whole experience is discovering MindsettleTV. For anyone facing surgery and prolonged confinement in hospital Mindsettle provides a window onto calming natural imagery of great beauty and wonder. She has found this service to be a godsend..." LINK
Viewing Nature Scenes Positively Affects Stress
"The buffering effect of nature could have particular relevance for the workplace where it may be beneficial to utilize nature during the lunch break, prior to a stressful afternoon, to help enhance recovery of autonomic function." LINK
Nature Heals!
“Approximately 120 studies were reviewed, the universal conclusion from which is that exposure to nature through viewing and experiencing it provides substantial emotional and psychological benefits. The preference for nature scenes is nearly twice that for urban scenes, while the restorative benefits of nature are at least three times as much as viewing urban scenes.” LINK
Impact of Visual Art on Emergency Waiting Rooms
“Findings from a systematic observation of waiting behavior showed that an evidence-based positive distraction can impact reduce restlessness, which could be an indicator of patient anxiety and stress; decrease people watching, which has privacy implications; and increase socialization, which could impact social support. Reduction in noise levels can be achieved through both a reduction in ambient noise levels and as a behavioral outcome of reduced anxiety. This study suggests that including a simple visual art intervention, that is carefully selected based on best available evidence, can not only impact patient (and visitor) behavior, but also the overall healthcare experience.” LINK
The Nature of Nurture
“Viewing nature is positive for health, particularly in terms of recovering from stress, improving concentration and productivity, and improving the psychological state, especially of people in confined circumstances such as prisons, hospitals, and high-rise apartments/high-density living.” LINK
Nature Imagery Calms Prisoners
"They observed fewer angry outbursts and fewer concerning behaviors. Staff also offered extra time in the exercise room, with the nature imagery, to prisoners who were agitated, which headed off violent infractions before they occurred." LINK