The sound of running water
I will not brook the babbling of fools... but for solace listen to the babbling brook I was told that one of the most soothing sounds for...

Neuroaesthetics - is that a thing?
The question of why and which art appeals is age old. With the use of functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI), researchers are...

Positive Distraction
My first trip to Enoggera Reservoir with kids and kayak in tow. After setting up the picnic and urging the kids into the water, I was...

Chilling Out
George F. Burns was an American comedian who lived from 1896 - 1996, I think his research project - LIFE - was substantial, so I believe...
Happy Place
Where is your happy place? I was recently showing a friend a slideshow of images of nature for her feedback. These images were of boats...

There have been a few times in my life when I have felt acutely lonely. The first was in year 11 at boarding school. A new girl had...

If you're anxious about the New Year it might comfort you to know you are not alone. In the US, according to Business Insider, it is...

Blue Black
Inspired by information in The Brain's Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, we are creating a soothing mini-film based on the idea of the...

I went walking
I guess I get it from my Mother, in times of stress she would get up early and hit the streets. As an adult whenever I have felt crazed,...

Tunnel Vision
“Vision is by far our most dominant sense, taking up half of our brain’s resources.” “We learn and remember best through pictures, not...