A Happy Anniversary
In 2017, having just celebrated my fiftieth birthday, I decided to take the risk of turning a concept into a business. After a year of...
One of the best definitions I've found comes from The Power to Persuade website, "Co-design takes a ‘ground-up’ approach to finding...
Rainy Days
It's early morning and I'm listening to the soothing sound of rain thrumming on the tin roof. The birds are chirping happy sounds, I look...
Let your mind settle
Mindsettle is working to calm patients in many clinical settings using a combination of tranquil natural images and curated soothing...
Positively positive
As we near the end of term a report card from one of our clients. This busy specialist clinic has been using Mindsettle in their waiting...
Peace, rest and quiet
Henry Marsh is a neurosurgeon from the UK who is regarded as unusual because he writes and speaks openly about his failures in surgery....
Building Trust
I was talking with a new client yesterday. Rob Duhig is a dentist who has been serving his patients for 34 years from his Sandgate...