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Spring Update

Hello and here’s the news -a bouncy springtime update from Mindsettle.

Mindsettle is designed to improve the patient experience by creating an environment of calm to healthcare facilities, using evidence-based concepts. It uses mindful audio-visual content as an alternative to commercial television for waiting and treatment rooms. Terrific

  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital are 3 months into their annual subscription and so far they’re delighted. Patients in the Rehabilitation and GEM (geriatric) wards are finding channel 406 a restful, calming choice during their recovery.

  • The annual subscription of an early adopter has been renewed.


  • A psychologist I recently spoke to thinks Mindsettle could work as an introduction to the mindfulness practices of becoming self-reflective and self-aware and that the content could be used as a visual cue for social stories. They are trialing the Five Minutes Peace series with their children and adolescents in therapy groups.

  • Our national reach is increasing with subscribers and trials rolling out in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and West Australia.


  • Learning how to broker Mindsettle as a white-label service.


  • The lack of mentoring for older female entrepreneurs.


  • Thanks to two Aged Care Facilities for trialing Mindsettle in their secure dementia units.

How you can help

  • We love getting intros to potential clients. Our ideal customers right now are specialist practices with busy waiting rooms and hospitals with a focus on patient-centred care.

  • Would appreciate mentoring or advice about white-labeling.

Thanks for your support, Lisa

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